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Table 2 Scenarios for the simulation set-up

From: Pattern-mixture model in network meta-analysis of binary missing outcome data: one-stage or two-stage approach?

Number of trials per comparison

 typical loop

NO = 1, NP = 3,  OP = 4

Trial size (\( {n}_{i,k}^E={n}_{i,k}^C={n}_i \) in trial i)

 <  50 (small)

ni~U(12, 39) placebo-controlled trials

ni~U(15, 49) old-controlled trials

 >  100 (moderate)

ni~U(102, 187) placebo-controlled trials

ni~U(128, 241) old-controlled trials

Initial event rates of the control arm in trial  i

 low events

\( {p}_{i,P}^{C,0}\sim U\left(0.05,0.09\right) \) placebo-controlled trials

\( {p}_{i,O}^{C,0}\sim U\left(0.10,0.15\right) \) old-controlled trials

 frequent events

\( {p}_{i,P}^{C,0}\sim U\left(0.27,0.40\right) \) placebo-controlled trials

\( {p}_{i,O}^{C,0}\sim U\left(0.63,0.76\right) \) old-controlled trials

Unbalanced risk of missing outcome data (\( {q}_{i,k}^E<{q}_{i,k}^C \) in trial i)


\( {q}_{i,k}^E\sim U\left(0.05,0.10\right) \), \( {q}_{i,k}^C\sim U\left(0.11,0.20\right) \)


\( {q}_{i,k}^E\sim U\left(0.21,0.30\right) \), \( {q}_{i,k}^C\sim U\left(0.31,0.40\right) \)

Missingness mechanisms via log IMOR


φi, P~TN(μ =  −  log (2), σ2 = 1, a =  log (1))

φi, k~TN(μ =  log (2), σ2 = 1, a =  log (1)) k = N, O

Treatment effects

 basic parameters

LORNP =  ln (2), LOROP =  ln (1.5)

 functional parameter

LORNO = LORNP − LOROP (consistency equation)

Common between-trial variance

 predictive distribution

τ2~(−3.95, 1.342) (small)

τ2~(−2.56, 1.742) (substantial)

  1. Note: C Control; E Experimental arm; IMOR Informative missingness odds ratio; LN Log-normal distribution; LOR Log odds ratio; N New intervention; O Old intervention; P Placebo; T Truncated normal distribution; U Uniform distribution
  2. Typical loop as defined by Veroniki et al. [32]
  3. Using predictive log-normal distributions that correspond to all-cause mortality and generic health setting for small and substantial between-trial variance, respectively [33]