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Table 1 Articles screened and retrieved in replicating the results of literature searches in 250 published reviews

From: Novel citation-based search method for scientific literature: a validation study


Articles screened, number

Articles retrieved, percentage

In published review

794 (273, 2132)


Co-citation search

 All co-cited articles

5151 (2709, 10,490)

75.0 (58.2, 87.5)

 Co-cited > 1

1119 (544, 2509)

60.0 (45.2, 78.3)

 Co-cited > 1%*

696 (461, 978)

56.1 (40.0, 75.0)

 100 Top-ranked**

109 (103, 123)

37.5 (22.5, 50.0)

Citation search

 Citing or cited by > 1

83 (38, 176)

50.0 (17.9, 75.8)


873 (540, 1204) ***

75.0 (50.0, 90.1)

  1. All values are median and inter-quartile range (IQR). *Co-cited more than once and in more than 1% of the citing articles. The articles retrieved from this search were used to run the citation search. ** Median is higher than 100 because we included all articles that had the same co-citation frequency as the 100th article. *** Sum of results in the co-citation ‘co-cited> 1%’ and citation searches combined, without removing duplicates. See details in methods