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Table 1 Risk Assessment Framework

From: A risk assessment tool for resumption of research activities during the COVID-19 pandemic for field trials in low resource settings



Example 1- Lung Ultrasound Obtainment

Example 2- Personal Exposure Assessment


Participant group (e.g. pregnant woman/new mother, child, older adult woman)


Older Adult Woman, Pregnant Woman


Place where sample is collected or procedure performed

Healthcare facility

Home (indoor or outdoor)

Proximity to the participant

Close: The procedure requires the field worker and participant to be closer than 2 m (6 ft) of one another. If a procedure produces aerosolization, then it is automatically considered close contact.

Socially distant: The procedure to be performed allows the field worker and participant to maintain a distance of > 2 m (6 ft) apart from one another.



Exposure time

Short: The procedure can be performed without the staff and participant in close proximity for > 15 min.

Prolonged: The procedure requires the field worker and participant to be in close proximity for > 15 min.


Setup: short to prolonged

Take-down: short

Aerosolization Potential

None: The procedure is unlikely to produce any aerosolized particles.

Yes: The procedure may produce aerosolized particles.



Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Needs

Criteria to determine PPE

PPE Needs

N95 or equivalent respirator + eye protection + gown + gloves

Paper facemask + eye protection + gloves

Participant and staff are not in close contact at anytime. No aerosolizing procedures. No processing of biologic samples.

Paper or cloth facemask.

Participant and staff may be in close contact but only for a short period of time. Biologic materials may be processed in the lab. No aerosolizing procedures performed.

Paper facemask (preferably procedural quality) + eye protection + gloves (if the procedure requires touching the participant and/or a clinical specimen is collected.

Participant and staff may be in close contact for a prolonged period of time and/or an aerosolizing procedure is occuring

N95 or equivalent respirator + eye protection + gown + gloves.

Participant and staff may be in close contact for a prolonged period of time and/or an aerosolizing procedure is occuring in a manner that staff and participants can not be safely protected.

Procedure will not be performed.