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Table 3 Follow-up duration according to the outcomes of interest (in years)

From: Impact of methodological choices in comparative effectiveness studies: application in natalizumab versus fingolimod comparison among patients with multiple sclerosis


Intention-to-treat analysis

Per-protocol analysis

Counts of relapsesa

3.17 (2.01–4.59)

2.09 (1.24–3.41)

Time to first relapseb

3.11 [3.05; 3.18]

2.27 [2.21; 2.31]

Time to first EDSS worseningb

3.16 [3.10; 3.23]

2.11 [2.07; 2.16]

Time to first EDSS improvementb

3.20 [3,13; 3.27]

2.08 [2.02; 2.12]

  1. a Median (Quartiles) length of follow-up
  2. b Median [95% confidence interval] survival time of the reverse Kaplan–Meier, taking into account the length and the completeness of follow-up