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Table 1 Arm descriptions

From: Automating risk of bias assessment in systematic reviews: a real-time mixed methods comparison of human researchers to a machine learning system



RR-web arm

Setting up the study

Project leader:

- uploaded study files to EPPI-Reviewer

- ran RobotReviewer by clicking a button

Project leader:

- uploaded study files into RobotReviewer’s website

- ran RobotReviewer by clicking a button

- downloaded the resulting documents with automated assessments

- transferred each document (one per study) to a shorter document with instructions

- made the documents available to reviewer pairs

Individual risk of bias assessments (2 reviewers per study)

Researchers assessed risk of bias in EPPI Reviewer.

Researchers wrote their risk of bias assessments into their own copy of the document.

Coming to a consensus

Conducted within the EPPI Reviewer software

Researchers produced a new document