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Table 1 Summary of key Tasks and accompanying R code for a machine learning analysis

From: Machine learning in medicine: a practical introduction to techniques for data pre-processing, hyperparameter tuning, and model comparison


Code in R language

1) Data preparation

 1.1) Import new dataset called „db “

db <—read.csv (url (""))

 1.2) Label columns in „db”

Colname <—c("BIRADS", "Age", "Shape", "Margin", "Density", "outcome")

 1.3) Assign factor-levels for factors (categorial variables) and set reference category

db$Margin <—as.factor (ifelse (db$Margin =  = "1", "Circumscribed",

ifelse (db$Margin =  = "2","microbulated",

ifelse (db$Margin =  = "3", "Obscured",

ifelse (db$Margin =  = "4", "Ill-defined", "Spiculated")))))

db$Margin <—relevel (db$Margin, ref = "Circumscribed")

 1.4) Assign numeric status for numerical variables

db$Age <—as.numeric (db$Age)

 1.5) Replace unlogical age values as missing values

AGE_upper <—120

AGE_lower <—0

db$Age <—ifelse (db$Age >  = AGE_upper, NA, db$Age)

db$Age <—ifelse (db$Age <  = AGE_lower, NA, db$Age)

 1.6) Remove variables that have over 50% missing values

missing_col <—colMeans ( (db))

remove < -vector()

for(i in 1:length(missing_col)){

if(missing_col[i] >  = 0.5){remove < -append(remove, names(missing_col[i]))}}

if(!is.logical(remove)) db < -db % > % dplyr::select(-!!remove)

 1.7) Split dataset into development and validation sets

train_index <—createDataPartition(db$outcome, p = .8, list = FALSE,

times = 1)

db_train <—db[train_index,]

db_test <—db[-train_index,]

 1.8) Define recipe for data pre-processing

recipe <—recipe (outcome ~ Age + Shape + Margin + Density, data = db_train)

recipe <—recipe % > %

step_knnimpute(all_predictors(), neighbors = 5) % > %

step_BoxCox(all_numeric(),-all_outcomes()) % > %

step_other(all_nominal(), threshold = .1, other = "other")

step_zv(all_predictors(),-all_outcomes()) % > %

step_nzv(all_predictors(),-all_outcomes())% > %

step_normalize(all_numeric(),-all_outcomes())% > %

step_dummy(all_nominal(),-all_outcomes()) % > %

step_corr(all_predictors(),-all_outcomes(), threshold = 0.9)

 1.9) Show all steps in the recipe

prep <—prep (recipe, db_train)

tidy (prep)

 1.10) Examine changes of a specific pre-processing step (number 6 = normalize)

tidy (prep, number = 6)

 1.11) Examine pre-processed training data


2) Algorithm Development

 2.1) Define multiple performance metrics for model training

MySummary <—function (data, lev = NULL, model = NULL){

a1 <—defaultSummary(data, lev, model)

b1 <—twoClassSummary(data, lev, model)

c1 <—prSummary(data, lev, model)

out <—c(a1, b1, c1)


 2.2) Define general training parameters for cross-validation and hypergrid-search

cv <—trainControl (method = "repeatedcv",

number = 10,

repeats = 3,

search = "grid",

verboseIter = TRUE,

classProbs = TRUE,

returnResamp = "final",

savePredictions = "final",

summaryFunction = MySummary,

selectionFunction = "tolerance",

allowParallel = TRUE)

 2.3) Define general training parameters for cross-validation and random grid- search

cv <—trainControl(

method = "repeatedcv",

number = 10,

repeats = 3,

search = "random",

verboseIter = TRUE,

classProbs = TRUE,

returnResamp = "final",

savePredictions = "final",

summaryFunction = MySummary,

selectionFunction = "tolerance",

allowParallel = TRUE)

 2.4) Define general training parameters for adaptive resampling for hyperparameter tuing

adaptControl <—trainControl(

method = "adaptive_cv",

number = 10,

repeats = 3,

adaptive = list(min = 5, alpha = 0.05, method = "gls", complete = TRUE),

search = "random",

verboseIter = TRUE,

classProbs = TRUE,

returnResamp = "final",

savePredictions = "final",

summaryFunction = MySummary,

selectionFunction = "tolerance",

allowParallel = TRUE)

 2.5) Hypergrid for Logistic Regression with Elastic Net Penalty

hyper_grid_glm <—expand.grid(

alpha = seq(from = 0.01, to = 1, by = 0.01),

lambda = seq(from = 0.01, to = 1, by = 0.01))

 2.6) Hypergrid for XGBoost Tree

hyper_grid_xgboost <—expand.grid(

nrounds = seq(from = 25, to = 100, by = 25),

max_depth = seq(from = 5, to = 35, by = 10),

eta = seq(from = 0.2, to = 1, by = 0.2),

gamma = seq(from = 1, to = 10, by = 1),

colsample_bytree = seq(from = 0.6, to = 1, by = 0.2),

min_child_weight = seq(from = 2, to = 5, by = 1),

subsample = 1)

 2.7) Hypergrid for MARS algorithm

hyper_grid_mars <—expand.grid(

degree = seq(from = 1, to = 3, by = 1),

nprune = seq(from = 1, to = 10, by = 1))

 2.8) Hypergrid for SVM with polynomial kernel

hyper_grid_svm <—expand.grid(

degree = seq(from = 1, to = 11, by = 2),

scale = seq(from = 0.1, to = 1, by = 0.1),

C = seq(from = 0.5, to = 8, by = 0.5))

 2.9) Hypergrid for multi-layer perceptron with dropout cost (deep neural network)

hyper_grid_nn <—expand.grid(

size = seq(from = 1, to = 21, by = 10),

dropout = seq(from = 0.1, to = 0.3, by = 0.1),

batch_size = seq(from = 1, to = 11, by = 5),

lr = seq(from = 0.25, to = 1, by = 0.25),

rho = seq(from = 0.25, to = 1, by = 0.25),

decay = seq(from = 0.1, to = 0.5, by = 0.2),

cost = seq(from = 0.25, to = 1, by = 0.25),

activation = 'relu')

 2.10) Train Logistic Regression with Elastic Net Penalty (hypergrid search)

cv_glm <—caret::train(recipe,

data = db_train,

method = "glmnet",

metric = "Kappa",

trControl = cv,

tuneGrid = hyper_grid_glm)

 2.11) Train XGBoost Tree (hypergrid search)

cv_xgboost <—caret::train(recipe,

data = db_train,

method = "xgbTree",

metric = "Kappa",

trControl = cv,

tuneGrid = hyper_grid_xgboost)

 2.12) Train MARS algorithm (hypergrid search)

cv_mars <—caret::train(recipe,

data = db_train,

method = "earth",

metric = "Kappa",

trControl = cv,

tuneGrid = hyper_grid_mars)

 2.13) Train SVM with polynomial kernel (random grid search)

cv_svm <—caret::train(recipe,

data = db_train,

method = "svmPoly",

metric = "Kappa",

tuneLength = 30,

trControl = cv_svm)

 2.14) Train multi-layer perceptron with dropout cost (deep neural network) (random grid search)

cv_nn <—caret::train(recipe,

data = db_train,

method = "mlpKerasDropoutCost",

metric = "Kappa",

tuneLength = 30,

trControl = cv_nn)

3) Internal Testing

 3.1) Show final model with optimal hyperparamters for Logistic Regression with Elastic Net Penalty


 3.2) Show internal testing results for final model with optimal hyperparamters (Logistic Regression with Elastic Net Penalty)


4) (External) Validation

 4.1) Use trained model to predict outcome probabilities in the validation set

predict (cv_glm, db_test, type = "prob")

 4.2) Use trained model to predict outcome classes in the validation set

predict (cv_glm, db_test)

 4.3) Calculate area under the ROC curve for outcome predictions in the validation set

roc_glm_validation = roc (as.vector (db_test$outcome), as.matrix (predict (cv_glm, db_test, type = "prob")$"Malignant"))

auc_glm_validation = pROC::auc (roc_glm_validation) auc_CI_glm_validation = pROC::ci.auc (roc_glm_validation, method = "bootstrap", boot.stratified = TRUE)

 4.4) Plot ROC curves

plot.roc (roc_glm_validation, legacy.axes = TRUE)

lines (roc_glm_validation, col = "blue")

lines (roc_xgboost_validation, col = "red")

lines (roc_mars_validation, col = "orange")

lines (roc_svm_validation, col = "black")

lines (roc_nn_validation, col = "grey60")

legend ("bottomright", legend = c("LR with Elastic Net Penalty", "XGBoost Tree", "MARS", "SVM", "neural network"), col = c("blue", "red", "orange", "black", "grey60"))

 4.5) Create confusion matrix

confusionMatrix (as.factor (predict (cv_glm, db_test)), factor (db_test$outcome), positive = "Malignant")

 4.6) Create calibration plot

glm_calplot_validation <—calibration(factor (db_test$outcome) ~ as.matrix (predict (cv_glm, db_test, type = "prob")$"Malignant"), data = db_test, cuts = 10)

xyplot(glm_calplot_validation, auto.key = list(columns = 2))

 4.7) Calculate Spiegelhalter’s Z score to assess model calibration

Spiegelhalter_z = function(y, prob){

alpha = 0.05

z_score = sum((y-prob)*(1–2*prob))/sqrt(sum(((1–2*prob)^2)*prob*(1-prob)))


if (abs(z_score) > qnorm(1-alpha/2)){

print('reject null. NOT calibrated')

} else{

print('fail to reject. calibrated')


cat('z score: ', z_score, '\n')

cat('p value: ', 1-pnorm(abs(z_score)), '\n')


Spiegelhalter_z (unfactor(revalue(db_test$outcome, c("Malignant" = 1, "Benign" = 0))), as.matrix(predict(cv_glm, db_test, type = "prob")$"Malignant"))

 4.8) Test for differences in area under the curve between two algorithms

roc.test (roc_glm_validation, roc_mars_validation, method = "bootstrap", alternative = "two.sided", boot.n = 2000, boot.stratified = TRUE)

 4.9) Test for differences in diagnostic performance between two algorithms using a McNemar test

mcnemar.test (predict (cv_glm, db_test), predict(cv_mars, db_test), correct = TRUE)