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Table 2 Sociodemographic characteristics and attitudes towards medical research (N = 487)

From: How do study design features and participant characteristics influence willingness to participate in clinical trials? Results from a choice experiment



Country of residence, n (%)

 United States

161 (33)


169 (35)


157 (32)

Sex, n (%)


253 (52)

Age (years)

 Mean (SD)

47 (17)


19 – 91

Age group, n (%)

 18–35 years

152 (31)

 36–50 years

138 (28)

 51–65 years

82 (17)

  ≥ 66 years

115 (24)

Educational level a, n (%)

 Less than elementary/primary school

1 (0)

 Elementary/primary school

75 (15)

 High school/technical school or equivalent

49 (10)

 College / University degree (BA, BSc)

242 (50)

 Post-graduate degree (MA, PhD)

118 (24)


2 (0)

Employment status, n (%)

 Employed ≥ 30 h per week with paid time off

276 (57)

 Employed < 30 h per week with paid time off

31 (6)

 Employed on hourly basis (i.e., not a fixed salary) with no paid time off

19 (4)

 Not working in a paid job (i.e. homemaker, voluntary work, retired, student, unemployed, not able to work due to sickness)

161 (33)

Experience of taking part in a clinical trial, n (%)

 Experience (self or relative)

160 (33)

 No experience

327 (67)

Trust in medical researchers b, n (%)

 High trust (agree/strongly agree)

412 (85)

 Low trust (disagree / strongly disagree)

75 (15)

Altruism c, n (%)

 High altruism (agree/strongly agree)

404 (83)

 Low altruism (disagree / strongly disagree)

83 (17)

  1. a Less than elementary/primary school education includes no formal qualifications; Elementary / primary school = less than high school/technical school or equivalent; High school / technical school or equivalent includes post-secondary
  2. b Trust in medical researchers assessed by asking participants to rate their agreement with item q3 of the Research Attitude Questionnaire [30]: ‘Medical researchers can be trusted to protect the interests of people who take part in their studies’
  3. c Altruism assessed by asking participants to rate their agreement with item q4 of the Research Attitude Questionnaire [30]: ‘We all have some responsibility to help others by volunteering for medical research’