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Table 2 The \(2\times 2\) table for the event counts of drug j and a host factor given a specific AE i, where (1) denotes Group 1 and (2) denotes Group 2 based on a host factor such as sex or age

From: Statistical methods for exploring spontaneous adverse event reporting databases for drug-host factor interactions


Group 1

Group 2


drug j




no drug j

\(n^{(1)}_{i\cdot }-n^{(1)}_{ij}\)

\(n^{(2)}_{i\cdot }-n^{(2)}_{ij}\)

\(n_{i\cdot }-n_{ij}\)


\(n^{(1)}_{i\cdot }\)

\(n^{(2)}_{i\cdot }\)

\(n_{i\cdot }\)