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Table 5 Steps in meta-analysis

From: Clinical systematic reviews – a brief overview




Identify comparisons

Use 2 at a time (pairwise) comparison

Separate populations that can be studied within the comparison

Jogging vs running, jogging vs gym work, jogging vs dancing, for weight reduction

Compare above in older people

Identify outcomes and effect measures

Select outcomes for each comparison (as per protocol)

Then effect measure to report results

Weight reduction

Increase in muscle mass (continuous outcome) MD or SMD

Collect data

Data collation from each selected study


Combine results

Studies with more precise estimate should be give more weight

Variance is used to estimate the weight of the study

Choose statistical methods

Straightforward method

Inverse variance is used

Mantel–Haenszel method (dichotomous data)

Suitable for small studies with low event rate

Peto method

An additional option for odds close to one

Assumptions about heterogeneity

Decision between fixed or random effect analysis

Present results

Forest plot

Displaying results in a graph with overall effect estimate at the bottom