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Table 6 Moderator posts, qualitative themes

From: Asynchronous online focus groups for research with people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and family caregivers: usefulness, acceptability and lessons learned


Illustrative quotations

I ‘hear’ you

 Positive affirmations

• “I’m with you both on this P68 [PwALS] & P4 [PwALS]. The ALS society is invaluable – and they certainly are filling gaps in the health care system.”

 Neutral acknowledgments

“Hi P122 [Caregiver], Thanks for sharing about the topics you would or wouldn’t talk to a health professional about.”

 Empathetic response

“I’m so sorry to hear of all these challenges that COVID has brought to your family, P92 [Caregiver]. I’m also really sorry to hear how unsupported you feel in terms of the health professionals.”

 Engaging with unrelated topics

“Gorgeous photo! I grew up around that area and am yearning for a visit to your part of the world. It sounds like you have an amazing pile of grand-kiddos!”

Specific probing strategies

 Repeat back

“You note the “sharing of information” as a problem. Do you see this as a breakdown in sharing between doctors, or between you and doctors?”


“It sounds like in response to health professionals' lack of awareness you're wondering if you should have filled that information void via the internet. Am I putting words into you mouth'? Or does this sound right to you?”

 Reference to other participant’s perspectives

“P84 [Caregiver] mentioned previously that some of the supports for his [PwALS] took a long time to get. Do you feel supported to get your team’s recommended strategies implemented in time for them to be useful to you and your [PwALS]?”

 Inviting group input

“I’m wondering what others in the group think: Do you think it’s helpful if doctors were more open about ALS as a potential diagnosis? Or is it better to wait until it is confirmed?”