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Table 1 This table outlines the semi-annual covariates of interest that have been collected in the Rakai study

From: Functional data analysis to characterize disease patterns in frequent longitudinal data: application to bacterial vaginal microbiota patterns using weekly Nugent scores and identification of pattern-specific risk factors



Baseline Summary/Frequency (% of 184)

Nugent score at start of interval (\(BV_{0}\))

numeric value

Median: 6, Interquartile: 3-8, Range: 0-10 Percent of Nugent score in: The range of 0 to 3: 28.8% Intermediate range of 4 to 6: 23.4% BV range 7 to 10: 47.8%

HIV status with symptoms of AIDS


165 (89.7%)


positive without symptoms

15 (8.2%)


positive with symptoms

2 (1.1%)

Age at baseline

\(<20\) years

37 (20.1%)


\(\ge 20\) and \(<25\) years

49 (26.6%)


\(\ge 25\) and \(<30\) years

49 (26.6%)


\(\ge 30\) years

49 (26.6%)

Genital ulcer in past six months


8 (4.3%)



176 (95.7%)

Pregnancy test


30 (16.3%)



154 (83.7%)

Source of bathing water

protected with well or tap or bore hole

35 (19.0%)


partly protected being from uncovered wells

71 (38.6%)


unprotected and from rains or ponds

78 (42.4%)

Current family planning use

birth control pills

14 (7.6%)


Injection or implant hormonal contraceptives (Depo injection/Norplant)

28 (15.2%)



142 (77.2%)

Sexual frequency

no sex

21 (11.4%)

(proportion of weekly visits that the woman reported

less than median value of frequency

78 (42.4%) -

sex in the last week over the past 6-monthsa)

greater than the median

85 (46.2%) -

Condom use in the past 6 months





47 (25.5%)


always used or no sex

19 (10.3%)

Partner’s circumcision status


55 (29.9%)


not circumcised

127 (71.1%)

  1. a: the proportion of weekly visits with sexual activity was calculated among women who were sexually active in the past 6-months. The median was 65%