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Table 4 Overview of the TRAIN intervention and resources

From: The development and acceptability of an educational and training intervention for recruiters to neonatal trials: the TRAIN project




Unit 1: The trial protocol (50 min)

  1.1 Introduction (10 min)

- Welcome & Introduction

1.1 Introduction (presentation slides)

  1.2 The trial protocol (15 min)

- Aim/importance of the trial

- Eligibility criteria

- What taking part will involve including potential harms and benefits of the study

1.2 Trial Protocol (presentation)

  1.3 Recruitment pathway (10 min)

- An exercise asking participants to map out the host trial pathway to assess their understanding of the information from 1.2 Trial Protocol

1.3 Recruitment Pathway exercise

1.3 Infographic (diagram summarising the protocol)

  1.4 Challenging questions (10 min)

- Discussion on issues/challenging questions parents may have beyond the protocol information and how one might address these

1.4 Challenging Questions

  1.5 Close (5 min)

- Questions/comments


Unit 2: Understanding randomisation (5 min)

  2.1 Randomisation (5 min)

- A video explaining the process of randomisation to assist recruiters in explaining the process to parents of neonates who are being invited to take part in a trial

2.1 Randomisation Video

Unit 3 Approaching and engaging with parents (70 min)

  3.1 Approaching parents (30 min)

- Critical considerations for recruiters before approaching parents about the possibility of their neonate being involved in a trial

3.1 Approaching parents

3.1 Infographic

3.1 Parent video vignettes

3.1 Lanyard

  3.2 Engaging with parentsa (15 min)

- A template recruitment conversation and order of topics with examples of opening sentences

3.2 Engaging with parents

3.2 Recruitment conversation guide

  3.3 Practicing recruitment (20 min)

- Roleplay session to work through challenging recruitment scenarios, with examples specific to neonatal trials. With feedback

3.3 Practicing recruitment

  3.4 Close (5 min)

- Final questions/comments

  1. aThe Qualitative Research Integrated within Trials (QuinteT) team of researchers at Bristol University, of whom co-author NM is a member, pioneer approaches to optimise recruitment and informed consent to randomised controlled trials ( In unit 3.2 we adapted some of QuinteT’s findings (see, for example,,,, and to the context of neonatal trials to consider how we engage with parents about their infants taking part in a trial