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Table 1 Characteristics and example of Subtype A1

From: Time and change: a typology for presenting research findings in qualitative longitudinal research

Characteristics of Subtype A1: Longitudinal data approach

- Data are collected over time and thus capture participants’ experiences in various situations

- Aim does not emphasis time/change

- Findings consist of themes capturing various aspects of a phenomenon

- None, or very few, examples or descriptions relate to the passing of time or change

Example: Felice and colleagues [26] investigated mothers' perceptions of, attitudes toward, and practices in pumping and providing pumped human milk to their infants. Twenty mothers were interviewed between two and eight times starting in late pregnancy and during the child’s first year. Aspects such as motivation, practices, and attitudes toward pumping breast milk change during the first year of being a mother. The results were presented through the following themes: 1) types of pumps used, 2) mothers’ motivations for pumping, 3) mothers’ pumping practices, and 4) mothers’ attitudes toward and perceptions of pumping. Neither the aim nor the themes reflected elements of time/change; however, the longitudinal data collection contributed to data material with nuances and complexities