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Table 4 Characteristics and example of Subtype B2

From: Time and change: a typology for presenting research findings in qualitative longitudinal research

Characteristics of Subtype B2: Sequence of events approach

- The aim is to describe subjective experiences of a phenomenon across time

- Data from all time points are treated as one dataset and inductively sorted in themes

- The results are presented in a chronological order based on when events took place; thus, the results have a logical sequential structure

Example: Minton and colleagues investigated families’ experiences of having a relative with a prolonged critical illness in an intensive care unit [29]. Family members of six different patients were interviewed on a weekly basis during the time their relative spent in the intensive care unit (the length of stay varied between 17 and 66 days). The results were presented in themes and began with describing feelings regarding when the relatives first arrived at the hospital (Theme 1: Being overwhelmed). The results then focused upon balancing hope and fear during the initial days (Theme 2: Living in an uncertain world). New expectations and fears when the patient woke were described in Theme 3 (An altering uncertainty), and Theme 4 presented experiences related to the patient being transferred to a hospital ward (Uncertainty in a different location). Finally, thoughts around an altered future were presented in the last theme (Moving on). This example illuminates how a journey or path is created through the results, although the actual timelines differed among the families, since some went through these experiences over 17 days and others were interviewed repeatedly over 66 days