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Table 3 Characteristics of the 500 bootstrap subsets (500 entries each) created according to the AIS grade distributions present in the Sygen cohort including only complete cases for the variables of interest, and a balanced cohort, where all 4 grades are present in equal proportions

From: Studying missingness in spinal cord injury data: challenges and impact of data imputation

Outcome at week 52


Sygen complete cases (subsets)

Balanced (subsets)

Number of patients




Number of male

mean (SD)

396.8 (8.6)

385.5 (9.2)

Age [years]

mean (SD)

32.0 (13.3)

34.2 (14.0)

LEMS at week 01

mean (SD)

2.7 (7.0)

8.5 (12.1)

median [95% CI]

0 [0–0]

0 [0–0]

LEMS at week 26

mean (SD)

11.9 (18.8)

25.6 (21.5)

median [95% CI]

0 [0–0]

34 [33–34]

NA, n

24.9 (5.2)

22.8 (4.6)

LEMS at week 52

mean (SD)

12.6 (19.3)

26.2 (21.7)

median [95% CI]

0 [0–0]

35 [35–36]

Level of injury

cervical, mean (SD)

372.3 (9.8)

412.7 (8.4)

thoracic, mean (SD)

128.7 (9.8)

87.3 (8.4)

AIS grade

A, n (%)

325 (65.0)

125 (25.0)

B, n (%)

55 (11.0)

125 (25.0)

C, n (%)

100 (20.0)

125 (25.0)

D, n (%)

20 (4.0)

125 (25.0)

  1. LEMS lower extremity motor score, AIS American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale, SD standard deviation, CI confidence interval