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  1. Studies based on high-quality linked data in developed countries show that even minor linkage errors, which occur when records of two different individuals are erroneously linked or when records belonging to t...

    Authors: Christopher T. Rentsch, Katie Harron, Mark Urassa, Jim Todd, Georges Reniers and Basia Zaba
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:165
  2. The SCL-90 and the SCL-90-R are the most applied measures regarding psychological distress. To reduce and prevent an overload to of the individuals, the Brief Symptom Inventory with 18 items (BSI-18) was devel...

    Authors: Katja Petrowski, Bjarne Schmalbach, Melanie Jagla, Gabriele Helga Franke and Elmar Brähler
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:164
  3. The demand in biobanking for the collection and maintenance of biological specimens and personal data from civilians to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases has increased notably. Despit...

    Authors: Latifah Amin, Hasrizul Hashim, Zurina Mahadi and Khaidzir Ismail
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:163
  4. Recent systematic reviews and editorials suggest that many organizations that produce nutritional guideline recommendations do not adhere to internationally recognized standards set forth by the Institute of M...

    Authors: Bradley C. Johnston, Pablo Alonso-Coello, Malgorzata M. Bala, Dena Zeraatkar, Montserrat Rabassa, Claudia Valli, Catherine Marshall, Regina El Dib, Robin W. M. Vernooij, Per O. Vandvik and Gordon H. Guyatt
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:162

    The Correction to this article has been published in BMC Medical Research Methodology 2019 19:240

  5. In Sweden, human tissue samples obtained from diagnostic and surgical procedures have for decades been routinely stored in a formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded, form. Through linkage with nationwide registers, ...

    Authors: Jessica Carlsson, Sabina Davidsson, Jonna Fridfeldt, Francesca Giunchi, Valentina Fiano, Chiara Grasso, Renata Zelic, Lorenzo Richiardi, Ove Andrén, Andreas Pettersson, Michelangelo Fiorentino and Olof Akre
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:161
  6. There is a high degree of variability in assessing the preventability of adverse drug events, limiting the ability to compare rates of preventable adverse drug events across different studies. We compared thre...

    Authors: Stephanie A. Woo, Amber Cragg, Maeve E. Wickham, David Peddie, Ellen Balka, Frank Scheuermeyer, Diane Villanyi and Corinne M. Hohl
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:160
  7. Biological assays for the quantification of markers may suffer from a lack of sensitivity and thus from an analytical detection limit. This is the case of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) viral load. Below t...

    Authors: Perrine Soret, Marta Avalos, Linda Wittkop, Daniel Commenges and Rodolphe Thiébaut
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:159
  8. Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) is an important cause of disability and economic cost worldwide. There is a need for effective preventative and management strategies. Emerging studies measure a variety of outcomes re...

    Authors: Francesca Wuytack, Annelie Gutke, Britt Stuge, Siv Mørkved, Christina Olsson, Hilde Stendal Robinson, Nina K. Vøllestad, Birgitta Öberg, Lena Nilsson Wikmar, Juan Jose Saldaña Mena and Valerie Smith
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:158
  9. Dose-response meta-analysis (DRMA) is a useful tool to investigate potential dose-response relationship between certain exposure or intervention and the outcome of interest. A large number of DRMAs have been p...

    Authors: Chang Xu, Tong-Zu Liu, Peng-Li Jia, Yu Liu, Ling Li, Liang-Liang Cheng and Xin Sun
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:157
  10. Multi-centre randomized controlled clinical trials play an important role in modern evidence-based medicine. Advantages of collecting data from more than one site are numerous, including accelerated recruitmen...

    Authors: Markus Harden and Tim Friede
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:156
  11. Declining participation rates are impeding health research. Little is known about factors influencing the decision to participate in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Therefore, this paper reports on th...

    Authors: Jennifer J. Ayoub, May Abiad, Michele R. Forman, Gladys Honein-AbouHaidar and Farah Naja
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:155
  12. Systematic reviews (SRs) and meta-analyses (MAs) are distillation of current best available evidence, but are potentially prone to bias. The bias of SRs and MAs comes from sampling bias, selection bias and wit...

    Authors: Xiao Sun, Xiaobin Zhou, Yan Yu and Haihua Liu
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:154
  13. Ethnography has been proposed as a valuable method for understanding how implementation occurs within dynamic healthcare contexts, yet this method can be time-intensive and challenging to operationalize in pra...

    Authors: Erin P. Finley, Alexis K. Huynh, Melissa M. Farmer, Bevanne Bean-Mayberry, Tannaz Moin, Sabine M. Oishi, Jessica L. Moreau, Karen E. Dyer, Holly Jordan Lanham, Luci Leykum and Alison B. Hamilton
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:153
  14. We demonstrate an application of Group-Based Trajectory Modeling (GBTM) based on the beta distribution. It is offered as an alternative to the normal distribution for modeling continuous longitudinal data that...

    Authors: Jonathan Elmer, Bobby L. Jones and Daniel S. Nagin
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:152
  15. Participant retention strategies that minimise attrition in longitudinal cohort studies have evolved considerably in recent years. This study aimed to assess, via systematic review and meta-analysis, the effec...

    Authors: Samantha Teague, George J. Youssef, Jacqui A. Macdonald, Emma Sciberras, Adrian Shatte, Matthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Chris Greenwood, Jennifer McIntosh, Craig A. Olsson and Delyse Hutchinson
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:151
  16. Integrated knowledge translation (IKT) is a research approach in which knowledge users (KUs) co-produce research. The rationale for IKT is that it leads to research that is more relevant and useful to KUs, the...

    Authors: Mary Ann O’Brien, Andrea Carson, Lisa Barbera, Melissa C. Brouwers, Craig C. Earle, Ian D. Graham, Nicole Mittmann and Eva Grunfeld
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:150
  17. Bronchiolitis is a common respiratory disorder in children. Although there are specific ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes for bronchiolitis, the illness is often coded using broader diagnosis codes. This creates the po...

    Authors: Paul Walsh and Stephen J. Rothenberg
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:149
  18. Choosing a suitable sample size in qualitative research is an area of conceptual debate and practical uncertainty. That sample size principles, guidelines and tools have been developed to enable researchers to...

    Authors: Konstantina Vasileiou, Julie Barnett, Susan Thorpe and Terry Young
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:148
  19. Noncommunicable diseases represents long term medical conditions, which often puts the patients under enormous demands when following treatment, exposing them to experiencing treatment burden. The Patient Expe...

    Authors: Anne Marie Lunde Husebø, Ingvild Margreta Morken, Kristina Sundt Eriksen and Oda Karin Nordfonn
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:147
  20. Family members are increasingly involved in the care of cancer patients, however many are not prepared for this challenging role. Intervention-based studies are valuable to inform the most appropriate and effe...

    Authors: Leila Heckel, Kate M. Gunn and Patricia M. Livingston
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:146
  21. Prognostic tools for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) patients are potentially useful for ascertaining prognosis and recommended in guidelines to facilitate streamline assessment and communication between provid...

    Authors: Tiago Gregório, Sara Pipa, Pedro Cavaleiro, Gabriel Atanásio, Inês Albuquerque, Paulo Castro Chaves and Luís Azevedo
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:145
  22. The retinal vascular tortuosity can be a potential indicator of relevant vascular and non-vascular diseases. However, the lack of a precise and standard guide for the tortuosity evaluation hinders its use for ...

    Authors: Lucía Ramos, Jorge Novo, José Rouco, Stephanie Romeo, María D. Álvarez and Marcos Ortega
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:144
  23. Scoping reviews are a relatively new approach to evidence synthesis and currently there exists little guidance regarding the decision to choose between a systematic review or scoping review approach when synth...

    Authors: Zachary Munn, Micah D. J. Peters, Cindy Stern, Catalin Tufanaru, Alexa McArthur and Edoardo Aromataris
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:143
  24. When conducting a survival analysis, researchers might consider two broad classes of models: nonparametric models and parametric models. While nonparametric models are more flexible because they make few assum...

    Authors: Jacqueline E. Rudolph, Stephen R. Cole and Jessie K. Edwards
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:142
  25. Indices of inter-evaluator reliability are used in many fields such as computational linguistics, psychology, and medical science; however, the interpretation of resulting values and determination of appropria...

    Authors: Dylan T. Beckler, Zachary C. Thumser, Jonathon S. Schofield and Paul D. Marasco
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:141
  26. Electronic diaries are increasingly used in diverse disciplines to collect momentary data on experienced feelings, cognitions, behavior and social context in real life situations. Choices to be made for an eff...

    Authors: Karin A. M. Janssens, Elisabeth H. Bos, Judith G. M. Rosmalen, Marieke C. Wichers and Harriëtte Riese
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:140
  27. While red blood cell transfusion rates have declined in most Australian medical specialties, obstetric transfusion rates have instead been increasing. Obstetric transfusions are mostly linked to postpartum hae...

    Authors: Edward Jegasothy, Jillian Patterson, Deborah Randall, Tanya A. Nippita, Judy M. Simpson, David O. Irving and Jane B. Ford
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:139
  28. Joint modeling is appropriate when one wants to predict the time to an event with covariates that are measured longitudinally and are related to the event. An underlying random effects structure links the surv...

    Authors: Jeffrey D. Long and James A. Mills
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:138
  29. Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) provide aid in clinical decision making and therefore need to take into consideration human, data interactions, and cognitive functions of clinical decision makers. The...

    Authors: Dimitrios Zikos and Nailya DeLellis
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:137
  30. Increasingly, collaborative participatory methods requiring open and honest interaction between a range of stakeholders are being used to improve health service delivery. To be successful these methodologies m...

    Authors: Ian Litchfield, Louise Bentham, Ann Hill, Richard J. McManus, Richard Lilford and Sheila Greenfield
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:136
  31. Successful implementation and embedding of new health care practices relies on co-ordinated, collective behaviour of individuals working within the constraints of health care settings. Normalization Process Th...

    Authors: Tracy L. Finch, Melissa Girling, Carl R. May, Frances S. Mair, Elizabeth Murray, Shaun Treweek, Elaine McColl, Ian Nicholas Steen, Clare Cook, Christopher R. Vernazza, Nicola Mackintosh, Samridh Sharma, Gaery Barbery, Jimmy Steele and Tim Rapley
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:135
  32. As increasing numbers of dengue vaccines and therapeutics are in clinical development, standardized consensus clinical endpoint definitions are urgently needed to assess the efficacy of different interventions...

    Authors: Thomas Jaenisch, Kim Hendrickx, Martin Erpicum, Liane Agulto, Kay M. Tomashek, Walla Dempsey, João Bosco Siqueira, Morgan A. Marks, Michael P. Fay, Catherine Laughlin, Maina L’Azou, Yee-Sin Leo, Federico Narvaez, Remy Teyssou, Stephen J. Thomas, Hasitha Tissera…
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:134
  33. Understanding and measuring implementation processes is a key challenge for implementation researchers. This study draws on Normalization Process Theory (NPT) to develop an instrument that can be applied to as...

    Authors: Tim Rapley, Melissa Girling, Frances S. Mair, Elizabeth Murray, Shaun Treweek, Elaine McColl, Ian Nicholas Steen, Carl R. May and Tracy L. Finch
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:133
  34. Efforts to improve maternal health are increasingly focused on improving the quality of care provided to women at health facilities, including the promotion of respectful care and eliminating mistreatment of w...

    Authors: Meghan A. Bohren, Joshua P. Vogel, Bukola Fawole, Ernest T. Maya, Thae Maung Maung, Mamadou Diouldé Baldé, Agnes A. Oyeniran, Modupe Ogunlade, Kwame Adu-Bonsaffoh, Nwe Oo Mon, Boubacar Alpha Diallo, Abou Bangoura, Richard Adanu, Sihem Landoulsi, A. Metin Gülmezoglu and Özge Tunçalp
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:132
  35. The dominant medical and health research paradigm continues to be quantitative. While the authors sense a sea-change in opinion about mixed-method research, underpinned by two decades of highly-cited publicati...

    Authors: Frances Rapport and Jeffrey Braithwaite
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:131
  36. Using internet search engines (such as Google search) in systematic literature reviews is increasingly becoming a ubiquitous part of search methodology. In order to integrate the vast quantity of available kno...

    Authors: Marko Ćurković and Andro Košec
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:130
  37. This study aimed to introduce recursively imputed survival trees into multistate survival models (MSRIST) to analyze these types of data and to identify the prognostic factors influencing the disease progressi...

    Authors: Leili Tapak, Michael R. Kosorok, Majid Sadeghifar and Omid Hamidi
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:129
  38. Network meta-analysis is an extension of the classical pairwise meta-analysis and allows to compare multiple interventions based on both head-to-head comparisons within trials and indirect comparisons across t...

    Authors: Lorenz Uhlmann, Katrin Jensen and Meinhard Kieser
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:128
  39. Hypertension remains one of the most important preventable risk factors for diseases and death. Identifying clustered patterns of modifiable lifestyle risk factors for hypertension and demographics factors rel...

    Authors: Jalileh Ghanbari, Asghar Mohammadpoorasl, Leila Jahangiry, Mahdieh Abbasalizad Farhangi, Jamileh Amirzadeh and Koen Ponnet
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:127
  40. With 1 in 4 Canadian preschoolers considered overweight or obese, identifying risk factors for excess weight gain and developing effective interventions aimed at promoting healthy weights and related behaviour...

    Authors: Kathryn Walton, Tory Ambrose, Angela Annis, David WL. Ma and Jess Haines
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:126
  41. Anogenital warts are the second most common sexually transmitted infection diagnosed in sexual health services in England. About 90% of genital warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6 or 11, and...

    Authors: Macey L. Murray, Jade Meadows, Caroline J. Doré, Andrew J. Copas, Lewis J. Haddow, Charles Lacey, Mark Jit, Kate Soldan, Kate Bennett, Michelle Tetlow, Mayura Nathan and Richard Gilson
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:125
  42. Considering the targeted general practitioner-centred healthcare in Germany, general practitioners (GPs) are in the best possible position to increase awareness of all sorts of dementia, an age-related syndrom...

    Authors: Judith Tillmann, Rieke Schnakenberg, Marie-Therese Puth, Klaus Weckbecker, Johannes Just and Eva Münster
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:124
  43. Recent regulatory changes in the system by which premises are licensed to sell alcohol, have given health representatives a formal role in the process in England and Scotland. The degree to which local public ...

    Authors: Niamh Fitzgerald, Matt Egan, Frank de Vocht, Colin Angus, James Nicholls, Niamh Shortt, Tim Nichols, Nason Maani Hessari, Cheryl McQuire, Richard Purves, Nathan Critchlow, Andrea Mohan, Laura Mahon, Colin Sumpter and Linda Bauld
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:123
  44. Biomarker-based analyses are commonly reported in observational epidemiological studies; however currently there are no specific study quality assessment tools to assist evaluation of conducted research. Accou...

    Authors: Jan Wirsching, Sophie Graßmann, Fabian Eichelmann, Laura Malin Harms, Matthew Schenk, Eva Barth, Alide Berndzen, Moses Olalekan, Leen Sarmini, Hedwig Zuberer and Krasimira Aleksandrova
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:122
  45. Data-driven population segmentation analysis utilizes data analytics to divide a heterogeneous population into parsimonious and relatively homogenous groups with similar healthcare characteristics. It is a pro...

    Authors: Shi Yan, Yu Heng Kwan, Chuen Seng Tan, Julian Thumboo and Lian Leng Low
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:121
  46. The most commonly reported outcome measure in Dupuytren disease is the extension deficit in finger joints. This study aimed to investigate the examiners’ influence on the measured difference between active and...

    Authors: Jesper Nordenskjöld, Stina Brodén and Isam Atroshi
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:120
  47. Mediation analysis tests whether the relationship between two variables is explained by a third intermediate variable. We sought to describe the usage and reporting of mediation analysis with time-to-event out...

    Authors: Lauren Lapointe-Shaw, Zachary Bouck, Nicholas A. Howell, Theis Lange, Ani Orchanian-Cheff, Peter C. Austin, Noah M. Ivers, Donald A. Redelmeier and Chaim M. Bell
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:118
  48. Dyadic data analysis (DDA) is increasingly being used to better understand, analyze and model intra- and inter-personal mechanisms of health in various types of dyads such as husband-wife, caregiver-patient, d...

    Authors: Saman Maroufizadeh, Mostafa Hosseini, Abbas Rahimi Foroushani, Reza Omani-Samani and Payam Amini
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:117
  49. A number of conceptual frameworks for patient and public involvement (PPI) in research have been published in recent years. Although some are based on empirical research and/or existing theory, in many cases t...

    Authors: David Evans, Noreen Hopewell-Kelly, Michele Kok and Jo White
    Citation: BMC Medical Research Methodology 2018 18:116

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